公务员考试天津卷英语 ♂
公务员考试天津卷英语作文 ♂
闲来没事,帮你写几个字吧。in recent years, the test for national and local civil servants is becoming increasingly attractive. it has been taken by millions of young people as the way to obtain a relative stable job career. more rediculously, some take this test as the shortest cut for them to become a powerful officer. although when combining this phenomenon with china's traditional culture, it could be understandable, the blind inspiration to be a civil servants remains gain insight into the civil servants test phenomenon, the reasons can be summarized from two sides. on the one side, china's labor market is full of competition. many graduates can hardly get the job they really like or really adaptable. this made these young people believe the comfortable civil servant jobs can help them get avoid of shortage in personal capability. on the other side, the long term built chinese traditional culture made people believe the powers with government organs as their backbone can live a better life than those working by their own. although some subjective reasons exist to make people's insipiration of being a civil servants reasonable, their is one problem requires for further consideration. that's whether all people taking this test is appropriate enough to work as a civil servant. as for every individual people, the first step of seeking for a job should have had been the analysis on themselves so as to acquire what they really want to become in the future and what the job position, including the job of civil servants, could provide indeed. in a word, when attempting to take the test for national and local civil servants, do remember to tell yourself "be calm for seconds at first...".
公务员考试天津卷英语答案 ♂
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