教师资格证中学英语面试真题 ♂
教师资格证中学英语面试真题 示例:面试官好,我是面试初中英语的考生编号***,今天我抽到的题目是人教版九年级的Unit1,《How do you study for a test?》一)Teaching A Learn and master new words, phrases and sentence Enable the students to talk in English about how to stu-dy English very Develop the students speaking and writing 二)Teaching Key Points and difficult P Improve the students’ speaking and writing Master some phrases and some sentence Phrases: first of all, later on, laugh at, take notes Sentence Patterns: S be afraid to do S realize that clause三)Teaching proceduresStep 1 Revision and lead-inAsk some questions: Can you speak English? How long have learned English? Are you enjoying learning English? Do you have good ways to study English well?Step2 presentation for readningAsk a question: Would you like to learn English well?Step 3 Fast Give 2 minutes to read passage Answer my question:How does she learn English well? Repeat the right answer and write them on the Step 4 Careful Explain some main phrases and sentence Give 4 minutes to read passage carefully and do the exercises in Check the answer: Ask a team students do it one by Step 5 Summarize the good ways to learn E Divide students to groups to discuss how to become a better language Then write a complete Make a competition: Invite the leader to read the complete letterStep 6 Consolidation and Emphasis the phrases and sentence Retell some useful experiences to improve English 四)HomeworkWrite down an article about how to study English well,an-d read it to your 此模板仅供参考,具体的板书设计还是要靠自己多加琢磨才行,希望能对你有用~教师资格证中学要什么学历 ♂
教师资格证中学要什么学历 考中学的教师资格证需要你有大学本科的学历,还有相关的资格证书,然后通过考试才可以。教师资格证中学要复习多久 ♂
教师资格证中学要复习多久 你好,教师资格证面试准备的时间当然是越长越好,科目一需要有文化基础,基本上一个月的时间足矣。教师资格证中学要考什么 ♂
教师资格证中学要考什么 教师资格证考试的科目是不一样的,具体怎样准备老师来告诉你。
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